
25 Dec 2015

Saraki’s Message To Christian On Christmas

Merry Christmas! I urge every Nigerian to ensure that their actions are predicated on peace, love and unity which are the virtues needed to rebuild our country. The economic challenges facing the nation as a result of dwindling revenue inflow into the Federation Account is a passing phase which will surely give way to a better future.

I urge Nigerians to renew their faith in God and remain dedicated to the course of national development in the true spirit of Christmas which epitomizes love, perseverance, patience, brotherly kindness and the spirit of sharing.
This is another season of love, season of liberation, sacrifice and giving to the needy. The commemoration of the birth of Christ and the whole essence of His life shows the reality of God’s love to mankind.

Let us reflect on the message of Christmas by living peacefully and harmoniously which is one of the cardinal tenets of both Christianity and Islam. Irrespective of our religious beliefs, we should open our hearts with love and prayers for the unity and progress of this great nation.

I urge Nigerians, most especially motorists, traveling during this yuletide period to be cautious and drive carefully on the highways, it is my prayer that you all have a memorable and colorful Christmas.

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